1 in 4 children in the UK live in poverty.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Parents were already struggling before the cost-of-living crisis hit. It’s far worse now.

Families on low incomes are having to pay £4573* more than 2019 for the same goods and services.

Poverty impacts a child’s life now and leaves lasting scars.

Can you imagine a world where every child can concentrate at school because they don't have a rumbling stomach? Or can afford to go on school trips with their friends?

It won’t happen overnight, but it is possible. Start by adding your name.

Many children in poverty are living in inadequate housing, spend less time outside than their wealthier peers, and say they feel lonely, and isolated from their friends.

Their parents often work long and unstable in insecure jobs, and feel trapped by a lack of financial options that limit children’s lives and futures.

Do you agree the UK government needs to take more action to end UK child poverty?

*For a two-adult, two child family
Photo: Posed by a model


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